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Another Wild Idea of Andrew's

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This occurred to me recently. It could be the ultimate imaging tool on the market if it worked, but is it too ambitious?

Basically it's a unit with all the in/outputs you could possibly need for your imaging, which is connected to your laptop via one single cable, and to your power source(s) with another.

Into the various in/outputs you can plug your mount, focuser, filter wheel, camera, guider, GPS, obsy roof mechanism, weather station, dew strips... you name it!

Also you get software - one single program which can do everything - guiding, capture, focusing, dew control, GOTO, aligning and tracking. It can even work out whether it's raining and close the roof before your obsy gets soaked. Also, the laptop can assess the focus of the image and focus it using the electric focuser, if you have one connected.

I find the value of one program quite appealing. I can envisage the program already - on the left hand side, tabs linking you to "capture" (including exposure, image sequences and focusing), "mount" (including goto, guiding and tracking), "weather" (including dew and rain), "power" (outlining the draw and supply) etc. Dead simple!

So that's the potential value of it - what about the problems:

- single connection not powerful enough to get all this info into the laptop. Would firewire handle it?

- Complicated programming - either the software would need to be able to fuse with current (excellent) programs, or the programs would need to be produced to the same standards. Or, permission would be required to use current programs.

- my biggest gripe is that this would be "too" convenient, and if too much is done for the user, it's not really his image anymore...

Any thoughts on this idea?



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It is of course, doable. You could probably handle all the I/O through a single USB connection, as most modern computer spend an awful lot of milliseconds just waiting about for something to happen. You would need some kind of intelligent hub out at the telescope/observatory to distribut the signals to the right equipment.

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Sounds like imagers heaven if it all worked wonderfully. I dont envy the programmer though :?. I'd imagine the sheer amount of time, money and effort that would go in to it would not be rewarded enough afterwards. You'd have to sell a couple truckloads. Wish there were more out there in the bitter cold dead of night snapping away at space stuff, then maybe more snazzy techo gizmos would be on the market.


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I was also thinking the time and cost of producing the program would never quite be recouped from the small market. You would have to sell hundreds of them at around £200-500 each to get even. I don't know anything about marketing or electronics, so that's probably way off the mark.

However, if it was initiated by a company (or two?) who has had success from selling a product which is already designed to cover a particular aspect of it (I dunno, Apogee?) that would be a big first step - the capital and one chunk of the programming...

Phil, thanks for the "good luck" but it's only an idea - in fact I have none of the skills required to set up the project.

Another thing is it would keep your cables tidy!


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Andrew, first, congratulations on the news of your second baby, that is great, and I'm sure you are both delighted.

Your concept of a single central control unit for the handling of a scopes needs during imaging is a super Idea, and as Warthog said, quite doable. In fact, there is probably something residing in the Hubble, or the ISS doing something quite similar today.

When you look at programs like Maxim DL, is most of those functions not already in there? Camera control, focusing. tracking. All the prime requirements.

I appreciate your point about all the cabling that can be a menace when it is festooning from the scope in action, but I remember vaguely a post by MartinB, which showed his cabling all neatly attached, and routed to prevent any possible snagging whilst slewing the instrument.

I still think the Idea is valid, but I fear the cost of such a device might work out prohibitive. anyway, I am a great believer in lateral thinking, and I wish it was practiced a bit more, as I am sure more problems would be overcome.

Ron. :rolleyes:

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Ron, thing,

If you read this thread you will realise that the whole thing was one of the worst April Fools jokes in human history, with a mark of just 0.25 out of 10. I apologise wholeheartedly for the confusion and all the congratulations so far will be sent back to the benefactors first class in a pretty pink envelope. Thanks anyway.

I'm happy the idea is generally liked. I myself would buy one if the price was right, as I feel that at present, there are too many components involved in imaging, all working seperately from each other. This would enable more simplified control, while offering some new possibilities.



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You missed April 1st. :) I did think the Observatory roof thing was a bit much, but the idea had enough merit to be taken seriously. If you'd suggested sweeping the obsy floor, and taking down the wife's laundry so it didn't interfere, I might have realized... :rolleyes:

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Quality idea!

I pondered on a similar idea a few years ago - fed up with having so many cables and electrical wires, I thought "why can't there just be one or two"

I mean, a few years ago (prior to dvd recorders) your average household family could need:

-T.V. aerial cable

-T.V. power cable

-VCR power cable

-DVD power cable

-FreeView Box cable

-Scart lead from VCR to T.V.

-Scart lead from DVD player to T.V.

-Scart lead from Free View Box to T.V.

-Home cinema system power cable

-5.1 speaker leads x 5

-1x Subwoofer cable

-1xSubwoofer to T.V./DVD/VCR

Alltogether that is 16 cables!

You can further this by stating that younger members of the houshold (such as my girlfrinds household) have individual T.V.'s, VCR's, DVD players,

SkyBoxes, Playstations, X-Boxes, Wii's etc

Then take into account the household computer:

-Monitor power cable

-PC power cable

-Mouse Cable

-Keyboard cable

-Speaker power cable

-2xSpeaker cables

-Monitor to PC cable

-Printer power cable

-Printer to PC cable

-USB extender cable

-Extention cable (sometimes x2)

-Internet cable

-Internet router power cable

-Internet Wireless power cable

-Cat5 cable (sometimes x2)

That's a possible 17 for the household computer, more still needed if individuals use laptops or computers in the bedroom.

This is not to mention mobile phones, telescopes (had to get that one in), vacuum cleaners, kitchen equipment etc

In total there can be >50 different cables. Many of these could however be made to be a) more environmentally friendly and :rolleyes: interchangeable between manufacturers

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Ron, thing,

If you read this thread you will realise that the whole thing was one of the worst April Fools jokes in human history, with a mark of just 0.25 out of 10. I apologise wholeheartedly for the confusion and all the congratulations so far will be sent back to the benefactors first class in a pretty pink envelope. Thanks anyway.

I'm happy the idea is generally liked. I myself would buy one if the price was right, as I feel that at present, there are too many components involved in imaging, all working seperately from each other. This would enable more simplified control, while offering some new possibilities.



You naughty little Tinker, I actually told my Mrs you were going to be a dad again, and her first words were. "Are you sure He's not April Fooling everybody." to which I replied. "Don't be silly woman, he wouldn't joke about something like that.


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You missed April 1st. :lol: I did think the Observatory roof thing was a bit much, but the idea had enough merit to be taken seriously. If you'd suggested sweeping the obsy floor, and taking down the wife's laundry so it didn't interfere, I might have realized... :rolleyes:

Never mind! I'm dimmer than I look. Must be the medications. :)

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You naughty little Tinker, I actually told my Mrs you were going to be a dad again, and her first words were. "Are you sure He's not April Fooling everybody." to which I replied. "Don't be silly woman, he wouldn't joke about something like that.

I'm touched that I have a place in the conversations in your household Ron! Tell your wife she's a clever woman and that I apologise.


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I think the latest version of software bisques the sky covers most of it software side of it, and it accepts maxim dl as a plug in I believe.

I know I wish I could afford it.. but cant.. so settled for redshift 6 for now.

As for the box itself it could of course draw its own power from a 12 volt supply

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After a burst of initial enthusiasm I got to thinking and feel that it's not such a good idea after all. Apart from the vast reduction in the use of wire,preserve the environment and all that.

You would fast become an armchair warrior astronomer and where's the fun and sense of achievement in that?

Just think of the kind of posts that would appear in the imaging section. Instead of a great capture obtained in the face of adversity and harsh conditions we would end up with something like........... Last Nights Image of NGC(enter any obscure No. of choice)

Imaging details,switched on power,pressed seven buttons on keyboard,went down pub. Imaging,tracking,stacking and processing courtesy Mr.L.Top. (Mmmm...might not be such a bad.....)

Not much 'street cred' there and what about Ron ..........Motto "Astronomy No hobby. It's a way of life" ..... don't you think his way of life would become rather dull? Of course I'm sure the Missus would approve. Think of all the extra time available which could be put to good use doing 'worthwhile things'! :(



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