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Finder Advice Needed!

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Hello all,

Looking at getting a new finder sorted out for my Dob - current finderscope does the job but is very basic, to say the least.

Ever since I bought the Dob I've been of a mind to upgrade to a good RACI, but I'm willing to consider the likes of Red Dot Finders and so on if people feel strongly about them. Would greatly appreciate it if you fine people could tell me about your experiences with various finders, recommendations and so on.

Budget would be of the order of £100, significant flexibility with that and as always cheaper would be appreciated!


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You can get a Skywatcher 9x50 right angled finder and the mighty Telrad for less than £100. I use these on the Dob and its a great combination. 

I use a similar combination except that I use a Rigel Quickfinder instead of a Telrad. Very similar to use though. It's a strong combination :smiley:

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I can't honestly say I'm opposed to several new toys for the scope, the girlfriend might have a different opinion however!

Thanks all, will do more research in the direction of RACI + Telrad when I get a chance.

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I have this one and love it. Unusual, in the sense that it is "Straight thru" but gives a right side up and corrected left/rigt views. The straight through is useful as you can squint along the tube to make things easier rather than using a right angled finder. Also, a doddle to use with star maps as everything is the right way up.



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