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H-alpha - 17th March


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Okay, I'm going to bore you guys silly :p But I promise, bad weather is upon us and I guess this will be the last observation for at least a week or so :BangHead:

The active region still looks fantastic and the solar limb extruded gorgeous prominences, especially those at about 2 o'clock and 9 o'clock on the sketch. The former took the shape of a magician's hat whilst the latter were two bright, fang-like flames.

I tried to measure the 2 o'clock prominence with the Baader Micro Guide and guesstimated that its height was between 50,000km to 60,000km; pretty mind blowing to consider that about 5 earths could be stacked along its length. Several other explosions of hot plasma stuff fizzled over the solar limb. The prominence at just gone 3 o'clock looped in an arc while the other at about 8 o'clock seemed to levitate above the limb. Seeing was also calm enough to discern a halo of faint protrusions everywhere.

There appeared to be three active regions. AR 2297 swarmed with bright plage and snaking filaments around a prominent sun spot and a few darker pores or spots. To its north and over at 1 o'clock were other active regions, smaller but no less gorgeous. 

The sketch was made using chalks, finger tips and a brush to smooth out textures. Needless to say, these sketches are not aiming to be of photographic quality  :laugh:  or even trying to depict all the possible visual information witnessed at the eyepiece. It's more an excerise in trying to capture the blazing beauty of the Sun.


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Thank you for the kind replies and thanks :smiley:

Ghostdance, the problem I have is that the original sketches only bear a resemblance to those I photo. I'm not too sure what is going wrong but I guess it's half the process, not only sketching but making the image presentable. The paper is black and quite course so the chalk can be rubbed in with ease. I have some shinny black paper which is great for night sketching but useless for the h-alpha. Needless to say, the main problem is that I simply can't draw, so I will just have to keep working at it :grin:

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You can't draw?! Ahem...

(... assumes best Wooster manner..)

Come, come old thing, your sketches are among the best I've clapped the old globes on - your stuff has been very instrumental in getting even an all-thumbs-bent-fingered-squint-eyed whatnot like me to have a jolly good go!

Can't draw, tsk :)

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