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Good evening from North Herts


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Good Evening all

I'm a newbie to the forum, but not entirely green to the hobby.

I've had a Nexstar 4 for a few years now, and really enjoy viewing with it. I also have a trusty pair of old Soviet 8x40 binoculars that are great when I've only got a spare twenty minutes.

Although the Nexstar has Goto (which I found great to learn with), I now much prefer to star-hop. I realised one day that the finding was half the fun for me; if I just wanted to see the heavens at a click of a button I might as well just search Google for the Hubble picture! I also sometimes just slew around a bit, and see what I come across....Astronomy fishing I suppose... Sometimes I don't catch much, and other times get a great haul :-)

My favourites are probably wide open clusters like the Hyades and the Coma cluster (Mel111) - so at some point I'll need a faster scope than the Mak!!!

My nemesis is surprisingly M33 as I always find it dang hard to see for some reason (I think I always try when it's too low really)

Anyway, that's enough rambling... Let's hope the weather improves!

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