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Hi from Latitude 3.0 N, Malaysia!


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Hi, my name is Kishen, and I live on exactly 3' North from the equator, well at least a neighbourhood away.

Living here I have the privilege of seeing all 88 constellations theoretically (by a seasonally basis), but on some circumpolar ones atmospheric extinction makes seeing them a bit of a challenge.

I'll at least guarantee that you can see the big dipper and the southern cross at the same time!  :rolleyes:

Also living here I happen to suffer from rapid cloud cover, and from living in a suburb I too suffer from light pollution (scale 6-8, depending the time & weather)

I have the Stellarium software, and it's a very good Planetarium app, maybe you guys should try it out?

I can't afford books and optics right now, because my parents don't have a credit card and only online stores have the best deals, for now. It's okay though, I love watching the sky with my naked eyes.

I'm 15 and will be 16 by this October (I'm learning in Form 4, equivalent to Year/Grade 10), by the way, so, not many of my friends  share my cup of tea, which kind of feels boring not having anyone to talk to about this hobby, which why I came here, to talk & discuss with you guys!

So, Hello to everyone in this wonderful forum!

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Hi Kishen and welcome to the forum. Well if you want someone to talk astronomy with then you have certainly come to the right place! Don't hesitate to ask questions as and when the need arises, just pop one in the appropriate section and the answers will arrive in no time.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Aww, thank you all for the warm welcome! I really felt warm all of a sudden.  B)

I'm sorry Vince and swag72, but my name is spelt wrong. Is it that pesky auto-correct? :huh:​ 

I wonder if there are any other teenagers or Malaysians around here too... Not that you all are less needed.. :evil:

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Thank you Dana and hello to you too John! I really hope I will enjoy this forum!

Hi Kischen and welcome to SGL, hope your love for astronomy stays with you and you get that scope you want

Hopefully my love for astronomy will be lasting forever and not be anything like my past passions... I try not leave it because I have a feeling that I will miss something very important just right after I quit this hobby.  :eek:

Ah yes, the scope! Also hopefully I might get it by this year... (Finance & Parents-willing)

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Thank you for the warm welcome laudrpb!  :smiley:

Stargazing is a hobby that can be put away, and returned to throughout ones lifetime;

don't worry about missing anything, there will always be something new to see.   :smiley:

You can say it that way, but seriously I do not have any idea to leave this pastime, even without the fear.

Thanks for the advice, it heightened my spirits.  :grin:

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Hi Kishen and welcome.

It sounds like you have the best of both worlds, North and South!

I think our naked eyes are best for stargazing. It's possible to miss the real beauty of the night sky if you spend too much time looking through a telescope.

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