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Autofocuser - Baader SteelDrive v's Lakeside - Anyone?

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I currently use a Lakeside auto focuser and I really do like it - Having said that it's my first foray into auto focus and I am very impressed over all.

The Lakeside uses a stepper motor, where there is a metal sleeve that attaches to the focuser spindle via grub screws to turn the focuser. All in all it seems like a compact and decent solution.

I'm wondering on thoughts of a Baader SteelDrive (http://www.baader-planetarium.de/updates/steeldrive-english-manual-v11-12.pdf) auto focuser. It uses a different system of belt drive.

So is there any advantage of one over the other? I'd be particularly interested to hear thoughts from SteelDrive users.

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I think the belt drive just gives a bit more flexibility with motor placement.  It also allows drive reduction meaning finer adjustment is possible than with the motor directly connected.  And it's perhaps also easier to have some sort of clutch mechanism so the focuser can be turned manually should that be required.

The first time I fitted a motorised focuser it was direct drive and I was very happy with it.  More recently because I've almost always had to make up parts and so on to fit motors to my focusers I've generally fitted them with a belt drive with the motor out of the way "under" the focuser body.  My preference now would be to stick that way, but more because it suits me than because of any significant difference to the process of using the telescope.


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Sarah, I've no knowledge of the Lakeside system but have just installed a Baader Steeldrive on a 3" SteelTrack on my Vixen and am very pleased with it.

It is very easy to fit, and align, and the operation is very smooth. The toothed belt ensures no slip and drives the fine focus knob. The handset has a digital readout showing the position to 100th of a millimetre. Something I haven't used is the temperature probe which I assume adjusts for varying ambient temperature, not sure how.

I assume you would be driving from a laptop which I have no experience of, but I am impressed with it overall using the handset.

Some pics here:






Hope that is of some limited use!


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I have both. The Steel has much less reduction than the Lakeside, but the Lakeside does have a bit of backlash.

Lakeside's software is better and finally resorted to writing my own ASCOM driver for the Baader, a driver that was better suited to automation.

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