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The Trapezium


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Since I've had my new 16" I've been glued to the Trapezium and M42, I always think I'll have a quick look and then I can't tear myself away from it. So a few weeks ago I had a clear spell with no moon so decided to sketch the trapezium. It didn't seem right without the nebula so I had a go at this as well, but I'd never drawn a nebula before. I'm painfully slow at sketching so after a while the clouds came in and there were quite a few stars, mostly near the edge, that I'd missed. I really enjoyed doing it, the scene was changeable as I plotted the stars and the incoming cloud near the end created an eerie lighting affect.

It's no masterpiece but it does give a reasonable impression of my view with a 16" aperture in not very dark skies, probably a naked eye visual mag of about 4.5. Hope you like it.


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Very nice sketch.

I've been trying to do a sketch of the Trapezium for a while now but every time I've managed to get out to observe it's moved behind the trees at the back of my garden.


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