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Revelation 10 inch / Orion XT10


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Hi All, to Dave i think your probably right it's likely going to be the last scope! i will give the Crew Rang consideration but alas cost is likely to have the final say on that one! Re F5 / F6 Am i right in saying F5 is better for deep sky observing ?I have also read a few articles suggesting upgrading the primary mirror springs on the Revelation but that may be in regrades the 12 inch +.  Your advise in regards teeth is also sound i've bin a brushem twice a day man all my life i'm 67 in 19 days still gotem all so i figer i'm doing something right. Hope to here from you Best Wishes Lawrence.  To Damian i'v Bookmark East Midlands Stargazers i'll take it from there thanks for the invite mate.                          

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