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First Light LX90 from SE London


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Now that we finally have a garden rather than a flat, I've been able to setup my trusty LX90 again and start to do some imaging from SE London. Last month I de-forked the LX90 and attached it to a new AZ-EQ6 and over the last few nights I've been setting up an old laptop with a parallel port so that I can use my ancient ST-8E.

I lost a couple of hours last night with Astrotortilla plate solving but not syncing despite it having worked the night before, finally twigged that the mount hadn't accepted the time correctly and so RA was too far out to sync. Solved that and we were in business.

There wasn't a nice guide star near my target (I could have rotated the camera, but it was getting late!) and the mount is only roughly polar aligned, so this was 15 x 30 second un-binned exposures roughly calibrated with bias and dark but no flats. Aligned in Maxim DL 3 although really I should have rejected the worst subs.

It's a bit rubbish really - but it lays down a marker from which I can improve!



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You have the focal length! Of course, this kind of focal length is about as tolerant as a high wire for a roller skater but you've made a serious start and can work on the details to follow. Well done. These focal lengths are no joke!


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