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Quark proms 27-02-15


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It seems an age since i've seen or had chance to do any solar imaging so took the opportunity yesterday. I took the proms and disc and this is my first attempt at combining the two. Also tried a different processing technique and whilst not perfect has given quite a dynamic image I feel.

Quark Chromo, TV85, PGR Blackfly 200/1000 frames each 


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just been fiddling and got a better match of the images and less harsh processing towards the limb for a better balance, people outisde the hobby have no idea how much time goes into these images.

happier with this one



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Good stuff. Getting the limb and the proms from different exposure lengths to mesh sweetly is a tricky business!

In your last image I might be tempted to run the Dodge tool, set to shadows, around the limb since the limb goes bright-dark-bright from inside to outside, which isn't what is really happening.

But very nice stuff all the same.


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