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Hi all, this looks like a good place to start a new hobby :)

I've just moved house to somewhere very quiet and without too much light pollution, the sky looks amazing when clear, so I'm looking for a good starter scope and some help along the way.

I bought my son the national geographic aldi special. Seems ok but I have yet to have a proper bash with it. I'd like something similar with a bit more power and I would like to be able to hook up a camera too if anyone has any recommendations?

I look forward to seeing all your pics and reading your stories


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Welcome. Before forking out hard earned cash on something, try and go along to an astro society evening and join up, there is the Worcester one near you I believe. You'll be able to look through a few different scopes and chat to the owners and get a feel for what you need and would like. There is nothing like seeing, using and actually looking through a scope. Browse around these forums as well, there is a serious wealth of information here, from complete beginner's advice to high end astrophotography nuances.

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Hi Paul and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. Great advise so far about getting along to a local astro society, a google search will show anything in your area.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Hi Paul and welcome to SGL, you may find your scope hunting could become somewhat daunting, with the many types available, especially if you want to attach a camera, at some time in the future, as wanting to go down the AP route, could have some bearing on what you end up with. Best to research what is available, together with members observations on choice, use and capability of particular scope types. If you browse through the various sub forum categories, from Beginners equipment to imaging, I am sure in a short space of time you will soon have some idea of the scope type and route you want to follow :)

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Hi Paul and welcome to the forum. Good suggestions from Matt and John above on how to get started. Ultimately though it always comes down to budget but there are certainly many good scopes out there that are economically priced so you will definitely be able to find something decent. It might be worth posting a question on the beginners section for people's suggestions along with a rough idea on how much you might want to spend.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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