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I got out before it got really bad w/ Z10/SSUEll

stepping beyond

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AD you can do it too , with what you have and a webcam but, I can't modify it so I got a Orion star shoot ll electronic ep 3 yrs. ago and haven't looked back. I just got an 800 watt dual plugin 110-120ac for my 12v28ah battery now things are set for my old 25yr. Meade Pictor 216xte mono CCD to start to take care of business in the DSO department. First I've got to put it to the test, I'm going to try it out on the moon , Planets then jump off into the brighter Nebulae, Galaxies and Clusters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't blame you for being fed up with the cold SB, sounds horrible. This year in Australia with Summer have had dew on top of the car some nights, very strange.

I'm following a similar path you you SB, I'm a few steps behind you. I still have my tempramental DSLR with exposure issues, one night I will get out there and do some tests with it, just not sure when.

I've been buying more stuff... again...  just won an Xbox 360 webcam cheap on the bay to do some lunar and planetary. I'm not expecting super dooper results from the webcam but it will be good to play around with through my Meade SCT with a recently purchased Meade Starfinder mount, tripod and Magellan II hand controller for it. I'm still trying to work out the setup and controlling functions. I only got that delivered a few days back from another astronomey forum. I also bought another 10" Dob :smiley:  so have a few things going on atm.

I think I have an addiction :rolleyes:

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AD , you just may have been bitten by the shopping bug but , needless to say when the time is right you'll be hard bent to come in for family time. I have my priorities all messed up but, my CNA keeps me on track so I don't get carried off by some passing star. HA HA ! I procrastinated for a year after getting my first cam for planetary and still trying to figure everything out . I need more power to increase my image scale, I'm really not getting all of it understood so I'm doing things over and over again and again hoping something will stick.A whole lot of things to write down and remember.

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AD , you just may have been bitten by the shopping bug but , needless to say when the time is right you'll be hard bent to come in for family time. I have my priorities all messed up but, my CNA keeps me on track so I don't get carried off by some passing star. HA HA !

More the astronomy bug :smiley:

 Carried off by some passing star lol. So does your family get in on it all, do they come out for a looksee now and then?

I need more power to increase my image scale

We all need more power SB ROFL and even then we wouldn't be satisfied.

I'm really not getting all of it understood so I'm doing things over and over again and again hoping something will stick.A whole lot of things to write down and remember.

Nope I'm not either, it's a bit like that isn't it. I'm just trying to keep it simple. I still need to work out my Starfinder mount. I haven't even turned it on :rolleyes:

You should see my bookmarks in my browser, it's full of pages to do this and that, eventually it will sink in to the ol grey matter.

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AD, one thing at a time. That's the way I have to do it, I'm unable to remember and process all this newer info" It makes my head hurt" so to compensate for the headaches of VAP , I take it turtle slow and work on something until it becomes a {no brainer }. You're right about being bitten by the astro bug, it's something that sucks you in and then you realize that " It's so cool".

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True SB. My problem is thinking too far ahead and seeing all those great shots that some members are taking. Also trying to do numerous things at once and getting nowhere fast. I need to concerntrate on one scope, one setup and take it out and start doing the basics. I'm getting too far ahead of myself and skill level, reading up on things I shouldn't be reading about yet, or can afford like high end cooled CCD imaging devices and obsevatory scopes :lol:

but we can all dream about such things :smiley:

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I get the majority of my equipment off of friends or Cloudy nights classified, I got the mono Meade pictor 216xte, filter wheel and LRBG filters for practically nothing because my buddy hadn't used it since he got his SBIG ccd and electronic filter wheel and Lumicon filters. Those lumicon filters cost more than my scope and all the gear. He rubs it in every once and a while to let me know he's a high roller. I could really care less but, he's a liar and most of his too is from astromart classifieds or his buddy's he's not fooling no one. He just takes shop and I got to figure out if it's real or bull. It's taken me a long time " one piece at s time." and my Kids live to far away to come and view but, my CNA and one of my dogs will come and check on what I'm looking at if I call on the cell from the backyard. She did take me for 5 day/6 nights of viewing and fun out at the outer banks at our friends . It's an awesome exp[erience isn't it AD?

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Yeah it is. I'm doing it on the cheap as well and it's taken a while to get what I've got. There's no way I'll pay new prices for anything now. I'm looking forward to getting back out there even if it's just for viewing. It's been a while.

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