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Hello from England, Derbyshire


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Just thought I'd say hello to all you guys here, the forum looks very active indeed.

I'm from Derbyshire, an Engineer by trade with an interest in mechanical systems and of course Astronomy:)

I'm an older student (in my 30s) studying towards my degree in Mathematics & Physics.

I'm looking at getting a new telescope in the next few days, I've been doing my research but hope you guys will steer me in the right direction in selecting a suitable scope.

I live close out to the Peak District and was looking at joining a local club?


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Welcome to SGL Lambda,

 best advice I can give for a scope is not so big as to be a burden, it can and does take the enthusiasm out of

it if the scope is to much of a hassle to set up, the best telescope most times is the one you can grab and go..

but bigger does give you better views for sure

go to a local club during an observing night and test drive the telescope they have set up,will give you a feel

for what you may be looking for, a little scope used often can be better then a larger one rarely used,  but then I

am making a 20" and already told my wife if I only use it three or four times a year I would be more then happy

because those three or four night would be totally awesome I'm sure :)

Rick M

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Welcome to SGL Lambda,

 best advice I can give for a scope is not so big as to be a burden, it can and does take the enthusiasm out of

it if the scope is to much of a hassle to set up, the best telescope most times is the one you can grab and go..

but bigger does give you better views for sure

go to a local club during an observing night and test drive the telescope they have set up,will give you a feel

for what you may be looking for, a little scope used often can be better then a larger one rarely used,  but then I

am making a 20" and already told my wife if I only use it three or four times a year I would be more then happy

because those three or four night would be totally awesome I'm sure :)

Rick M

Thanks for the advice, 20" is one epic sized aperture! I was looking at the skywatcher and celestron SE models around 6"

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Hi Lambda,

Warm welcome to SGL.Now you have opened a pandoras box, which scope to get!!.. Well before you spend hard earned cash, I would go along to a local group and see what others have and what might suit you best. Then set yourself a budget and don't let us talk you over it. A book that will help you round the sky is 'sky&telescope pocket star atlas'. Also when you have ten minutes download a planetarium program, plenty out there but try Stellarium, its great and free, to be found here :--- http://www.stellarium.org/ .

Also good advice above, the best scope is the one you use the most, but if this hobby hits, then like most of us you will end up with more than one!! I guess as a starter the most recommended scope is a 200p dobsonian.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - As a non visual person, all I can say is that the information I have gleaned over time is that a dob is the best bang for buck. Think about whether you want go to and if you have storage and also if you need to transport the scope for your viewing pleasure. Local astro societies would be a great start as you can speak with people, see the kit they are using and even get a look through it! 

Good luck :)

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