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Hey guys. Just wanted to say hello... been reading this forum for ages, and finally decided to register and join the community :)

After months of consideration, I finally got my first scope and decided to dive into Astronomy and hopefully Astrophotography soon after that. Also, I'd like to thank all of you ( already ) as I used this forum quite a lot when choosing my telescope, so thanks to all of those who discussed Celestron XLT and SkyWatchers - and I have to say that Dave from FLO has also helped quite a bit.

So... hi all! :) It's good to be here.

Greetings from Basingstoke, UK.

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Hi Comsat, welcome to the forum.  Can you tell us what scope you decided on?  (I'm another newbie, always interested in people's "first steps".)


Hi Mary - and everyone else :) Thanks for your warm welcome!

After months of debating I decided to get either the Celestron XLT 150 or SkyWatcher 200p but FLO suggested I went with the SkyWatcher due to EQ5 being a sturdier mount than CG4 bundled with the XLT ( discussed what I wanted to do with it in the long term ).

My current setup is the SkyWatcher 200p with an EQ5 mount and a set of 2 Baader Hyperion Modular Eyepieces ( 17mm and 5mm ). The views are amazing, especially for a beginner like myself. Also, the mount really is quite sturdy - it handles the weight of 200p quite well. Was shocked with the size though - when it arrived in 2 huge boxes and completely took over my living room I though "Oh dear lord, what have I done" but once I've seen what it can show me - and I confirmed it fits in my car - I'm really happy with it :)

Assembly was really easy, and I have to admit - operating the scope has a steep learning curve - but it makes the challenge so much more rewarding. On my first night out with the scope I managed to see a clear view of M42, Jupiter with 3 moons and a brilliant view of the moon.

What scope did you get Mary ?



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Hi Andrew, thanks for the detailed reply.  My kit is much less sophisticated than yours.  I have a small refractor, Skywatcher Startravel 80, which came bundled with a couple of eyepieces and an EQ1 mount.

I actually bought it 4 years ago, but for various reasons I scarcely used it, and packaged it up again.  Only last week, I finally got it out of the boxes and put it together.  I've had some problems setting up, and once I've spent a little more time with it, if I still can't do all I want then I'll ask for help on here.  However there was one clear night earlier this week when I lined it up on Jupiter, with a good view of the 4 main moons, and 2 dark bands on the planet.  I think that's probably about as much detail as I can expect with this scope, and I was very happy with that.  I need more practice at aiming it, so I can find less obvious targets!

Happy skywatching,


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