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Don't know I keep loosing the color during the processing.  Hitting the sophomore slump I'm afraid everything is coming up wrong seems like. I redid all my calibration frames I missed a step in Pi making the masters. Misunderstood it. And I have the Aurora panel so my flats are much better. Just playing with processes in PI now trying to touch all of them and see what they do. But mostly I'm knee deep in cables and wiring diagrams getting the goto system ready to install. I want to have that all ready to go by the next clear spell. Its horrible here now freezing rain and ice  maybe some snow tonight. Not typical weather for here. I'm rigging up a relay controller to control a camp light and turn on a camera so I can watch the slews from inside. Waiting on the Ha filter it was supposed to be shipped a few days ago but some kind of delay so I'm not sure when its going to ship. Won't wait much longer I'll find one somewhere else. Plenty of the 12nm around just not the 6nm.


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