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Hello all, from a new/old astronomy buff...


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Forty years ago, I was an eager astronomy buff in high school, using a 3" Newtonian I built myself (Thanks to Edmund Scientific!), from a kit that had the main mirror, diagonal, focusing mechanism, and not much else. I made my own mount, which got out of alignment once a week. My Biology teacher gave me a couple of eyepieces from a defunct microscope, which worked really well, BION. The equatorial mount was set for Louisiana, where I lived, and was made of scrap wood, which describes the tripod as well. (I had an enormously patient shop teacher. We had tools, a wood lathe, various scrap materials, and a key for after hours.)

Using the ridiculous old scope, I got my start in astronomy. I used it off and on for ten years, then bounced around with various cheapo scopes through the years, never getting settled due to my career. We moved all over the country, sometimes due to promotions, sometimes plant shutdowns. About 25 years ago, I pretty much dropped astronomy, mostly due to being rushed for time and living in severely light and smog polluted locations. Other hobbies took over my severely scarce spare time, mostly ham radio, and photography.

It was always in the back of my mind to return to astronomy. Always.

Well, fast forward to today. I'm a newly retired engineer/engineering manager, with time on his hands. For our retirement nest, I purchased 5 acres in the Ozark hinterlands, far from the overly illuminated civilization I used to work in. To give one an idea of just how remote we are, we are two hours drive from the nearest interstate highway! We are 10 minutes from the nearest hospital, however, we're not stupid! (My beloved thinks I bought the acreage for  her gardening. It is a by product anyway...) We live on a bit of a rise, with sweeping panoramic vistas all around...

So, I'm getting back into 'scope slinging. Wow, have things changed! Robotic scopes that align themselves, then go to any object you desire, as if by magic. As if microprocessors are anything but! I just cannot wait to get a scope, reacquaint myself with the less well known elements of our corner of the universe, and start back into some astrophotography!

Here I am, and old-newcomer. I look forward to reading all of your posts, whomever you may be, and learning all I can as quickly as possible, onward, and always UPWARD!

Best regards,


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Hi and welcome to the forum and also back to astronomy. Congratulations on finding some space away from the light pollution but I have a feeling that there are going to be further 'negotiations' regarding where your wife is going to store her gardening tools in your new observatory!  :grin:

Wishing you clear skies for your new adventure and hope you enjoy your stay here. 

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