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help needed for object identification! 16/02/2015


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That was a good one, it's pretty tough to get a crossing like that when filming Jupiter as it's not a big target.

My first thought is a weather balloon but really it could be something else. I'm pretty sure it's not a satellite or space rock and in our atmosphere. The website Calsky has a section on weather balloons so maybe one was launched but I think it'd be hard to pin down.

Excellent Jupiter too by the way.

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Calsky gave a satellite passing at 19.24 it's name is Cosmos 2333 Rocket,

it's dimensions are 10.4 m x 3.9 m and is cylindrical, could have been that,

great capture though, if you go to the web site you may have other options,

but it does fit the object in your image. 

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Making a few rough estimates bycomparing it to jupiter the size would seem to be 5 - 10" and moved at about 60" s-1

If it's an object of about 5m that needs to be at about 200km moving at about 200km h-1 which is too slow for a satellite. 

On the other hand weather balloons can be a couple of metres in diameter and move at 100km up in the upper atmosphere. So I'd go with it being a weather balloon.

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