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Black holes and radiation

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I am not an expert in the subject, so please take easy what I am saying. Experts are welcome to correct (or reject this information).

As far as I know, in quantum mechanics you have casual formation of particle and its respective antiparticle. These two annihilate with each other. Now, Hawking thought about what happens if this happens sufficiently close to the event horizon of a black hole. 

Let's assume that this formation particle-antiparticle happens very close to the event horizon. If in this generation one is captured in the black hole, and the other one isn't, then they fully materialise (matter and antimatter annihilate when get in touch). 

The one that does not enter, therefore has a chance to escape. From the outside you should detect this/these particle(s), which are called Hawking radiation. 

Then he continued on this, with the theory that they become warmer and warmer until they eventually evaporate.

I haven't studied the physics behind, but I am not very convinced this radiation really exists or is significant, for a few reasons: 

1) (as you said), why are then black?

2) what is the probability that this formation and separation happens effectively, instead of forming/annihilate inside or outside the black hole? 

3) Assuming that this formation/separation happens near the horizon, I am not really aware of his detection. If this is very weak, what is the probability that it has a real effect for the future of the black hole?

On the other hand, if this really exists, this would also mean that black holes implicitly 'help' generate energy or matter (or antimatter) (invalidating other physical laws, although here we are talking about singularities). Could galaxies be the result of matter formed by a super maxi black hole?  :rolleyes:

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according to the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle, rotating black holes should create and emit particles.Hawking radiation reduces the mass and the energy of the black hole and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation.

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