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I own a Celestron Advanced VX 8 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope. The basic scope is rated at f/10. I have a Celestron f/6.3 Focal Reducer.

I would like to get a Skywatcher Nirvana UWA 82-degree FOV 16mm or a William Optics UWAN 16mm eyepiece.
From recearch these are one of the same.

My preference is the W-O as I have verious other W-O accessories.
The question is, is this EP ok to use with this f/10 or f/6.3 scope?
I need to get this right because if ok I will get 2, I prefere to use binos (W-O) with 45° and 90° erecting diagonals.

When using the f/6.3 Reducer and binos I have to use a x1.6 Barlow on the diagonals to get good focus, This woks fine on 32mm down to 20mm EP's

Your advise is sorted please.



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WO used to say some of their eyepieces were best at f/6 and slower, the SWAN's I have were one. As best I recall the UWANS were not mentioned but even so at f/6.3 you are still slower then f/6, not by a lot but slower. So there should be no problem.

I think the question is - at whatever f ratio how do they preform.

Also seems an odd pair to drop into binoviewers, and I have no idea why I say that so someone will likely appear and explain why they are good. At 82 degree I suppose people use ES 82's and so the same result.

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WO used to say some of their eyepieces were best at f/6 and slower, the SWAN's I have were one. As best I recall the UWANS were not mentioned but even so at f/6.3 you are still slower then f/6, not by a lot but slower. So there should be no problem.

I think the question is - at whatever f ratio how do they preform.

Also seems an odd pair to drop into binoviewers, and I have no idea why I say that so someone will likely appear and explain why they are good. At 82 degree I suppose people use ES 82's and so the same result.

Cheers Ronin,

I use binos because I cannot get on with single EP's. To much eye strain. The difference is a major improvement (I think). 2 x 20mm @ 66 FOV work well but this is why I am asking the question, 2 16mm EP's will cost £300+ but if ok it will be worth it.


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