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Hello from Alaska


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Hi. My name is Donald. I am an Inupiaq Eskimo living in northwest Alaska. My youngest daughter, age 19, and I are new to star gazing. We have a new Orion 80 mm refractor telescope. We've looked at the moon and seen Jupitor for the first time. Jupitor wsd merely a shiny ball.

I have on order a new Orion Skyliner 8" Dobsonian, a 2x Barlow and an eye piece vid cam. I figure our views of Saturn ought to be better soon.

Any Alaska star gazers out there? I'm in Kotzebue. Where are you?

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Thank you, star gazers. This is a fine site. I've learned a few thing already.

Strutsinaction(John)... Today its roughly 13 below. Colder with the wind chill. Although we are now gaining light every day it it very dark still. Clear skies most of the time. It ought to be quite nice for 'scoping.

In discussing our plans for 'scoping my daughter and I agree fall time will be our best/probably favorite time.for viewing. It will he very dark but not so cold as dead of winter can be. We're excited.

This spring ought to be nice too we think. Warming up but still dark during the shortening nights. We're gaining on 24 hour sunshine which leaves only the moon to look at this summer.

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Hi Donald and welcome to the forum. I certainly hope that you have better skies than I do living in the middle of a big city and I am certainly envious of your location. Great to read that you are sharing your experience with your daughter and hope fully astronomy is something that you both will continue to do for many years to come.

Clear skies my friend and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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SacRiker... You won't be disapointed. If you ever find yourself in Kotzebue during the summer you won't regret it. We ride atvs out of town. Its beautiful out there, with the grizzley bears near by.

Haha I'm scared of bears. When I go hiking I'm always paranoid of running into one.

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Welcome to the forum Rusty-Gunn . I'm from Texas in the USA . -13 is plenty cold for me but I know up there it get's even colder than that . What is the average tempt during the winter there ? Do you ever take pictures of the Grizzlies ? If so post some . I don't think anyone here would object to seeing some nice pictures from Alaska .

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