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Finally another night


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Its been clear for a couple of days but over the weekend the population around here gets much larger. Neighbors were having a party last night lots of lights lots of cars so I waited. From Sun to Fri they all leave and its nice and quiet and dark. Switched over to PHD2 getting much better results now. Finished hooking up the Argo to the computer so I have pointing indicators on the star map now. Pretty nice its been accurate all night long. Even able to do a little reentering with the manual guide mode in PHD2. I have PHDLab doing real time graphing. I like the graphs on it better than PHD2. Something to watch while the images are shot. Time to order that Ha clip in filter now. Noticed an update to the DSLR_RAW module in PixInsight when I fired it up tonight. Hoping that is the fixes for the 7DMkII. Thought it was going to be dry all night but the humidity has crept back in. Earlier it was 30% hardly any twinkling. Looks like I have about an hour before the dew and moon take over but its been a very productive night. Gathered up some more images of Orion to add to my stack. Some 4 second at ISO800 to finally get the trapezium area without any blooming to layer in. And 20 more at 120 ISO800 as well. Setting up for some long ones of the Horse now. Hoping to get those in before the dew falls.


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