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The Mighty 17mm Nagler & 0.9 Baader Neutral Density Filter


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Just a brief rambling review / observation report.  

I apologise to reserve the right to wax lyrical (sorry I dislike myself for this habit but sometimes its the only way I can show I care). 

My respect for the 15mm TV plossl (x106) drove my interest for an additional similar focal length EP with wider field.  

I felt a necessity to frame the whole moon at around this magnification in a single field of view using my 10 inch f/6.3 dob.  I was swayed with little encouragement towards a 17mm Nagler...........moonlite make a 2 inch hole to slot them so why not....right ?  

Last night the freezing clear conditions made for exceptional seeing, and the newly waxing moon was a perfect time to test the Baader filter & 17mm. 

My previous 'wow' moments can eventually give way to a reassuring view, which in turn can become confided to acceptance and granted.  I had no preparation for the view that greeted me.  The whole moon at x 94 looked pristine !

The terminator was spectacular with small details glinted and picked off in the shadows,  as were the huge contrasted curved regions of ancient basalt flows & planes.  It all felt so close and real in scale.  Even right to the very edge of the limb small raises were detectable against the blackness of space, the impression of these final mounds breaking the otherwise smooth oval limb made me think of a boat dipping down over a sea view horizon out of view.  This perspective of the horizon dissapearing over the edge really was convincing of being in a closer proximity to the curved lunar surface. 

'Spacewalk' is spoken of quite a bit, and maybe this wording could be interpreted as something that goes beyond the reality of what can be achieved with a telescope in a back yard. However on this occasion I can say the experience was not as exaggerated as the marketing implies.

Simply stunning :)  

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Superb :)

I too adore the view (15 TV Plossl in my case) of those ripples and crags rolling over the limb horizon. While I was & am overjoyed to see detail on the surface, that near-horizon view never fails to blow me away and make me realise the Moon's size and our closeness to 'our fair sister' (to quote The Doors...er, even tho Jim meant the Earth!..)

How I'd like to sail that horizon!

.................er, I'd take a torch, obviously :)

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Great report Jabeoo1, a lot of people discount using ND Moon filters but I think they enhance the definition very well, esp. the 0.9 with 13%ish transmission, I have the Lumicon version after using the Baader for many years it was my first filter purchase when I started out, great piece of kit.

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