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Hello guys! I'm a 26 year old Astronomy enthusiast from Portugal.

I have found about this forum from searching on google.

After reading a lot of threads I decided to register and join this community.

I have been fascinated by the night sky for about a decade and a half ( since I was 10yo give or take.) and about 6 or 7 months ago I purchased a binocular (Nikon 12x50).

I was amazed with what I was able to see and learn with a simple pair of binoculars and  Binocular highlights book.

I was able to see Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Lagoon Nebula, Trifid Nebula, Orion Nebula, The Pleiades, Andromeda galaxy and a lot of star clusters.

Yesterday I ordered the Skywatcher 130p heritage, saw good reviews about it and for the available storage capacity I have at home, its the perfect combination of Power/portability.

What do you guys think? Will I get good views? Compared to my binocular(DSO)?

Thanks in advance.

Cya mates.

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Hello friend -- I'm in a similar situation.  Bought some bins (8x56 Celestron) a couple of years ago and have been slowly learning the sky.  Just recently something clicked and I've been learning as much as possible.  I plan on getting my first scope soon.  Let me know how the 130 works out. 

This is a great place to learn and share.

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Hi, welcome to SGL :) You'll get some great views of the planets and moon with the 130mm. At this time of year the Orion nebula, Pleiades, double cluster in Perseus and one or two others should look great too.

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