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Can you rotate RAW files in DSS?


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So I managed to get a small run in last night, dodging the clouds etc, and all went well.

When I came to do my Flats, I have been using a light box, so I pointed the scope the sky and set it going. I then packed away, content in the knowledge that I had all the necessary bits to do the processing today.

However, learning the hard way again, I think I have left the autorotate function on my camera (which I have now turned off), so when I changed the orientation, it has saved all of the flats 180° in the wrong direction.

I thought, no problem, I will just rotate them with the camera software....which works for that software, but not DSS.

Ok, edit the EXIF data to change the orientation flag? Sure, that will work! But not for DSS. 

Does anyone know of a way to spin my flats by 180° so I can use them? I have since taken the camera off the telescope, so getting it in exactly the same orientation will be difficult.

Thanks in advance

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I did exactly the same the other night (forgot to turn off autorotate).  I did say a few naughty words but just bunged the lot into DSS and it worked perfectly well.  I suspect that DSS knows "which way is up" from the image and/or image data.

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You generally don't have to as the software will know which way is "up"...however looking at my notes this is what I have done in the past...

At offset 0x0000006E in the .CR2 file change the value to 0x01

You will need a hex editor to do this and make a backup of the files before you edit them. There are probably applications that can do this for you but I never pursued it after I realised that it wasn't actually a problem. I have subsequently turned off auto-rotate in camera, it is more irritating than useful to me.

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Ty for the ideas people. I have turned off the Autorotate and I think I am just going to write last night up as a loss. TBH, it was windy as hell and the subs have come out 'not that great'.

Will try again tonight....cloud dependent!


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