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DSLR ha experiment - Rosette


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Sure this has been done before. I borrowed a 1.25"  13nm filter and got it as close to the sensor as possible in my 1100D. There is vignetting and I couldn't use my flattener in my TV85, so this is a test image just to see if it's worth investing in HA. It's just 6x600 s stacked without any calibration frames. Second attempt at processing and quite happy with the way it's going.

Any suggestions welcomed.

I'm thinking the Baader 7nm might be better and cheaper in 2" format


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the same filter in my 127 refractor, it was a windy night which gave guiding problems so only managed to salvage 3x10 mins, no calibration, worked on the red channel in ps this time.

These were only test shots and would probably go for 2 hours on an object, I think it will be worth buying a filter


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I think you've proved it works :)  And works well, to boot :)   You can get Baader NB filters in unmounted 36mm filters which are big enough to cover the sensor without vignetting.  OK so not as narrow band as the very expensive Astrodons but very usable :)  Available from FLO :)

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My suggestion is to buy the Baader protective T/M48 ring with integrated H alpha filter. This is the best sollution for DSLR use, no vignetting, M48 and T threads and it's possible to use together with flatteners/reducers.

The price is just a little higher than a unmounted filter: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/baader-protective-t-ring-for-canon-eos.html

If you are ok with buying from Germany you save around £70: http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p5912_Baader-Protective-Canon-T-Ring-mit-eingebautem-7nm-H-Alpha-Nebelfilter.html

I found these great and actually have 3 of them with clear glass, H alpha and UHC filters.

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