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Newb in Sacramento, CA


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Hi all -- I've been loosely studying astronomy for the last couple of years and will likely buy my first scope within the next 2 or 3 months.  I have been using a nice pair of Celestron skywatch biniculars (8 x 56) to take a poke around in the meantime. 

I have my scope choiced paired down to either the NexStar 6SE, or else an 8" Dob.  I have to say that I like the portability of the 6SE, as I live in  Sacramento and will likely be taking my scope to a different location from time to time.  Any thoughts on the 6SE?  Light pollution in my area is bad, but I can see quite a lot (saw Orion Nebula last night for first time and can often see Jupiter with it's moons).

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Welcome to SGL, I have an 8" dob it's a great scope and very popular but is quite big so might not suit your needs for easy portability.

Yeah those scopes look massive in pictures.  I need to be able to easily walk it around to various locations in front and back yard (in addition to rare car trips).  Still, not ruling it out though...so much cheaper than the others!

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Tube is quite light and attaches to base in seconds, base is a little heavy but is easier enough to move especially if your just going from back to front yard. Tube fits on back car seat and base either in boot or on front seat.

I wouldn't want to haul the dob to far on foot but you do get a lot of bang for your buck that's for sure. They do need to be collimated quite often in my limited experience but it doesn't take too long once you have the hang of it.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. As an imager I'm afraid that what I know about visual and scopes for such could be written on a very small pinhead!! :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks for the note. I see in your signature that you have a lot of street lights -- how does the 4 handle light pollution?

Yes, urban glow from town a little way away and streetlights right outside my house. The 4SE copes quite well - can see M31 and M81 and 82, though very much just grey smudges with no detail. Ring nebula visible but never managed to find the Crab Nebula (M1). GOTO finds it probably, but I can't make it out in the eyepiece! Scope is good for clusters, double stars, planets, but large clusters (eg M45) won't fit in the field of view. GOTO is very accurate - objects virtually always in the 25mm eyepiece.

6SE should therefore achieve all this and more. If you're observing from an urban site, check this book out - I found it very interesting:


Clear skies!

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Yes, urban glow from town a little way away and streetlights right outside my house. The 4SE copes quite well - can see M31 and M81 and 82, though very much just grey smudges with no detail. Ring nebula visible but never managed to find the Crab Nebula (M1). GOTO finds it probably, but I can't make it out in the eyepiece! Scope is good for clusters, double stars, planets, but large clusters (eg M45) won't fit in the field of view. GOTO is very accurate - objects virtually always in the 25mm eyepiece.

6SE should therefore achieve all this and more. If you're observing from an urban site, check this book out - I found it very interesting:


Clear skies!

Thanks for the tip!  I'll check out the book. 

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Yes, urban glow from town a little way away and streetlights right outside my house. The 4SE copes quite well - can see M31 and M81 and 82, though very much just grey smudges with no detail. Ring nebula visible but never managed to find the Crab Nebula (M1). GOTO finds it probably, but I can't make it out in the eyepiece! Scope is good for clusters, double stars, planets, but large clusters (eg M45) won't fit in the field of view. GOTO is very accurate - objects virtually always in the 25mm eyepiece.

6SE should therefore achieve all this and more. If you're observing from an urban site, check this book out - I found it very interesting:


Clear skies!

Also -- what are some of the best views you have had with the 4?

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