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Hi!! New one from Barcelona here.

Joaquim Q

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Hi to all. My name is Quim. I.m music writer and producer from Barcelona, Spain. First of all, sorry for my english, i know that i need some lessons!;).

I have been amazed about astronomy since the age of 10 (actually i,m 51). When i was 12, my parents buy me a 60mm refractor, a Zenith russian scope, that i,m keeping actually.

For work questions i have been really busy during years, and time to time i take out my Zenith, and now i really want a big eye to observe, coz i have more time lately. I have been member long time ago of the "Agrupació astronómica de Sabadell", one of the most knonw astronomy societies here in Spain, and i really enjoyed the seminars amd observations.

I have in mind to buy a Orion XT10g scope, coz i really want to explore mainly the deep sky.

I love stargazers lounge and i read a lot of topics in the forums about scopes, eyepieces, deep sky...

Nice to be here. Best regards.


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Hi Quim and welcome to SGL, if your interest lies with deep space, then as big an aperture as you can manage in reflectors, is the way forward, taking into account any limitations, if transporting your kit to a dark site, is going to cause problems. Enjoy your Astronomy :) 

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