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Hello everyone! 

Been lurking around on the forums for the past couple weeks reading up on topics because I recently acquired a camera and an SCT! Been learning a lot from you all and thought I might jump on in and start interacting with the community a bit more! 

Not too much to say about me, I live in the western parts of Gloucestershire, I tend to go to wales to do my Astrophotography and stargazing, but I also do quite a bit from my back yard.

Will probably be seeking help because I'm a noob! And I will also try to offer help when I can!

Clear Skies! 

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I shall have to upload some pictures of the scope at some point soon! It's just a Celestron 8SE, it's just on the standard Alt-Az mount but I got a wedge for it a few days ago! But tonight is the first time I'll be able to use it due to weather!

As for camera I have a 1000D but she broke down recently and so is likely to be replaced by a 450D or a 600D, haven't decided yet. I'm still learning but I have managed a few quite basic shots of stuff like orion and some close ups of Andromeda.

So far my best is probably this shot of the Milky Way I got by accident whilst making a vertical mosaic at a ruined priory. Open up the attachment for it in its full resolution. I know it's not amazing, but I have only owned a dslr for a couple weeks now.

None of my DSO stuff is all that good yet, so I will refrain from uploading it juuust yet!


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Hi Chloe and welcome to the forum. Glad you could join in the fun here and as you already know there is plenty of help here as and when you need it. Just pop a question under the relevant section, sit back and wait for the replies!

Very nice picture by the way and await your contribution - no pressure then.  :grin:

Clear skies to you too and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Chloe and welcome to SGL, your first image is very good, it shows quite clearly M31 the Andromeda Galaxy, positioned above the left hand tower of the priory, as we look at it. I am sure we are all looking forward to you posting other images in due course, well done :)  

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Hey everyone! Thanks for the super warm welcome! Can't wait to get even more stuck in with this. Should be doing some DSO imaging this weekend if the weather holds. I spent all of last night learning to use alignmaster and get my tracking down so I can do longer exposures.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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