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Big sime

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Hi im simon and im in Stoke, i used to have a dabble with my mates telescope ( wow that sounds wrong) and found it really interesting, ive just ordered a Celestron 130eq motor drive and cant wait to point it skywards, i look forward to learning more from this brilliant site

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Hi Simon and welcome to the forum. 'Dabbling' is certainly one way to make friends for sure!  :grin: Congratulations on ordering your new scope and a good decision to get the additional Right Ascension motor drive, as it is one less reason to touch the scope which can make tracking planets at high magnification a bit tricky. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions (no matter how silly you think they might be) just post under the relevant section and help will quickly follow for sure.

Wishing you clear skies for the arrival of your new scope and hope you will enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Simon and welcome to SGL - You're in the right place to learn that's for sure. If you've not already done so, get hold of a copy of Stellarium - A free planetarium programme that will help you learn you way around the sky.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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