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Innovations Foresight on Axis Guider


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I have given first light to the ONAG tonight


This is a beautifully engineered piece of equipment. I'm using my normal PHD guiding at present with the Lodestar X2. I'm getting really beautiful images from initial exposures. The guide stars because they are not being distorted by an off axis prism are lovely & sharp in the Lodestar. I can highly recommend this solution & is much easier to setup than the OAG.

I plan to move my guiding to Maxim then I can use Sharplock which keeps everything in focus. I expect to get far better results with this solution- I will keep you all posted.

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  • 1 year later...

The telescope C11 Edge OTA is back from the USA having had the focuser fixed. I have also had fitted the Optec SMFS so I can lock the mirror & hopefully never let mirror flop worry me. I will commence setting up the ONAG & cameras for the spring imaging session. The RASA has been dismounted for the moment as I concentrate on configuring the C11 Edge. I will let you know how I get on.

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Having gathered all the required parts together over the weekend I put the solution together. The control box (a focus lynx) bolts nicely to the side of a wide ADM rail which also carries the USB hub.

I used FocusMax to build a new profile & this worked beautifully with the primary mirror locked down & controlling the SMFS through the ASCOM driver.

I then focused the guide camera by extending the focal point with a T-ring & then locked the guide camera in focus which shows as a star shaped point (the "error" is caused by the astigmatism of the  ONAG mirror which is measured to adjust focus)

I then created an automatic profile using the Optec focus lock software which moves the secondary mirror focuser in & out to measure the shape of the guide star to determine what side of focus the image is on. It will after the profile calibration is completed continually monitor the guide star looking & adjusting any changes that can be determined by focus changes thus keeping things in focus.

The software worked really well in conjunction with the SMFS. The focus stayed tight despite the horrible weather last night (seeing was bad) & I tested a 15 minute exposure at 1.96 meters FL & the stars stayed pretty much round. I just need to tweak the guider settings to get the stars perfect & I will be well pleased.

The important note is that guiding in IR is not so badly affected as guiding in white light so the guide star appears not to move as much & the results I'm getting confirm this as my guiding is now tighter for much longer periods.

The system is excellent & mirror flop has been banished as I will not need to use the primary mirror to focus again unless the system breaks.

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