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Celestron 130 SLT/ Red Dot Finderscope


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Hello all.

My name's Matt and I'm 13 years old.

So I've got a 130 SLT for Christmas and I think this scope is great. I've only been able to see the Moon and Jupiter in detail, seeing craters of the moon , rings and moons of Jupiter. Unfortunately there is great light pollution where I live so this is all I have been limited to. I would love to see Comet Lovejoy but the light pollution is just too dense. Because every time I use the scope I always leave the finderscope on, so the battery has degraded alot. I was wondering how to replace the battery because I'm afraid of breaking the battery compartment.

Thanks ;)



P.S This is the finder scope I use


Jupiter edited in registax 6


Best photo of the moon I could get (unedited)

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Hi, Matt. Great pics. Well done.

As for the battery change, just gently prise off the cover, possibly with a screwdriver? There are a couple of slots into which you can insert the driver. Once you have a new battery in place the cover is just pressed back on.

As you've discovered, try to switch off the finder when not in use.

Clear Skies!

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Hi Matt and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on getting your scope and judging by the pics you have clearly been very busy. If you haven't done so already, you might want to consider downloading "Stellarium" which is a free piece of planetarium software that is popular among many observer here. Lots of great features to keep you busy for when the clouds come in and great for both finding and identifying objects in the night sky. It has a useful advance date/time feature which can allow you to advance the night sky so that you can check when objects become visible - very useful when you've got school the next day!  :grin:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Thanks guys! I have stellarium and tried it once but when I used it as a trial to see the moon, it didn't exactly go there. I had already alligned the telescope but I noticed on stellarium that there is a switch between the equitorial and altazimuth mounts. Is this the right button to click?

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