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Greetings & Welcome to SGL! Nice to have you aboard. A 200mm Dobsonian/Newtonian is a great scope. It will open up all the night-sky for you. From the Moon and planets, to the distant galaxies and all points between. Excellent choice.

As knobby suggested, Stellarium is an excellent freeware planetarium-star charting software program that will show you where everything is and will be for your location. And it's a lot of fun, too:


Another excellent one is Cartes du Ciel - Sky-Charts in French, but it's in English here:


Those should keep you busy anytime the weather is less than cooperative. Other than those, do take advantage of these forums. We love questions, and soon you'll be answering them yourself.

Clear Skies,


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 Thank you for the warm welcome peeps!

I have downloaded stellirum and using sky maps on my phone to help me find things in the nights sky.

Just got my scope set up today and had 30 mins earlier this evening to have a play around and see what I could see as the weather was a bit dicey... All I can say is WOW!! I saw stars and things I have never seen before.. saw a 747 in the sky.. It was hard to track but I managed it as it moves so fast, saw as strange white light with a odd shape travelling across the night sky .. could not see it with the naked eye but could clearly see it with the scope.

All I can do now is hope I get a clear night soon and get to have a proper look at the planets. e.t.c.

Many Regards


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Welcome from cornwall.

I got the same scope last week, easy to set up, only used once due to weather, spotted Jupiter and moons for first time, was not disappointed... Looking forward to the weather clearing.. Learnt a lot from the members on hear already.. Given me more confidence to get out there.

Good luck

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