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Yet another Christmas noob.

So, my ace wife decided to get me a telescope for Christmas.  Very nice of her indeed.  A Celestron Astromaster 114EQ.

Seems like a nice enough scope to start with at least.  But now I need to learn the skies, how to properly set up the scope, and how to track objects.

I went a little overboard with purchases since though, having spent way more than the cost of the scope on a Revelation photo-visual eyepiece kit, a finderscope (Skywatcher 6x30 right angled) and an extra barlow.  As well as a cheap, second hand DSLR.  Hopefully all that should be compatible with the inevitable upgrade that will be coming along.

In the meantime, a lot of learning needing done, and sky to watch.

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Thanks guys.

I will add these two books to my list of next purchases.  In fact, to be brutally honest, I don't think I'll be purchasing anything else for a while now (except these books).  Got to let the bank account settle down after christmas / new year / telescope.

Maybe closer to the end of the year I'll look at going for a 200p(+) GOTO 'scope, but until then I'll see what I can achieve with what I already have.

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Thanks for the warm welcome.

I had a little blast earlier from my balcony where I have it set up.  It only really allows me to look North, but it is fine for starters I guess.  I can see the moon sometimes easily, sometimes not.  However, tonight it wasn't a huge distance away from a local streetlamp (well it was, obviously, a huge distance away, just not relatively in the sky).  Anyway, I got my new eyepieces through tonight, and some filters, so had a little play, and got some amazing images.  I am hooked on this now, and can't wait to start taking images to log my observations.

Anyway, while looking, I spotted Jupiter just off to the left of the Moon.  Excellent.  I'll get a wee look at that I though.  And I did.  It was amazing.  Think I could see four moons quite easily around it too.  Started with a 32mm Revelation Plossl and the view was great.  Then slapped it in a Barlow (x2) and enjoyed it just as much.  I went down to a 12mm after, but at this point, it was obvious the mount / tripod set-up was not as sturdy as it could be.  The picture was very shaky.  

However, it was amazing to see what I saw.  Well and truly hooked now.  I can't wait for further adventures.

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Hi Xs2man and welcome to SGL, I am pleased you have had a good start, but now is the time to use your scope and assimilate knowledge, either through the forum or literature. Try to restrain from dipping your hand in your pocket again, as it won`t be many months down the line before you are having a different outlook on matters, especially if you have an interest in going over to Astrophotography, the dark side as we affectionately call it, enjoy :)

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Thanks for the warm wishes.  Been looking around and there is a wealth of knowledge here, and it seems to be really friendly.  This bodes well for me as I'm about to start asking LOADS of questions.

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