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This was taken the day before full Moon with the Moon very high. I had hoped to try earlier but as soon as it got dark the fog rolled in. I got a clearing but only managed 27x30 seconds, couldn't risk longer with the clouds shooting by and the very bright Moon. So whilst not great it is my first shot of a Comet so if it clears I will have another go. At least I learnt the DSS settings if nothing else.


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Nice shot.

As you say it's great to capture your first comet. Once the moon goes away, you should be able to get the nice tail coming through as well. The bright moon did make that really difficult.

Hopefully over the weekend you'll get another chance.



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tonights was thwarted by clouds, I managed 4x120s, the first 2 were good even with a satellite but the last two weren't great with less than half the stars in the stack by the end so had to use the lot, just about worth while getting the roof off.


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