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Well, it didn't stay clear for long and the batteries ran out on my scope! Also the moon is very bright so my attempts with just the camera were pretty lame. I decided to just get a few of Jupiter but I haven't had time to check them all properly but it looks like the blue filter used did more harm than good, I'll check them properly tomorrow.

As the moon was so bright, I thought it was best to get some pics, here is the one I think best atm..45eb5edb58d92699771070a21587791c.jpg

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Hi Gary, welcome to SGL from a fellow newbie with similar interests. 

I would have been happy with the Saturn photo.  6am this morning provided very disappointing views of Saturn and could only see it as a shaped smudge before the light levels came up and killed it.  Good pic of the moon, it was stealing the show somewhat but very photogenic.

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I haven't seen Saturn yet this year, I can't wait until it's showing at a more convenient hour! Until then, I might keep trying to get the moon through its different phases to practice focusing and editing.

I tried cleaning up the moon pic a bit in Lightroom, I'm not sure if that's the best software to use but it's seems ok to an amateur like me!

Here is the result, mainly with the exposure reduced. 1b1963cedd28a81050f792a46c791d7a.jpg

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Your first looked alright but it looks more defined with a bit of tone balancing. Great pic.

How did your Jupiter turn out? I could see the bands but the photo was all a little too blurred as I was tracking it by hand although a shorter exposure showed four moons.

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My Jupiter shots were awful, I don't think I'll try the filter next time. They were all just blurry blue blobs, you can't even see the moons. I would post it but I'm at work atm.

Maybe the filters are only good if you are stacking with other using different filters? Idk. Looking through the eyepiece I could see some decent detail, just wish I could get it on camera!

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