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Hi from cambridge england

Nick cb

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Welcome to SGL.

Plenty in the sky to look at at the moment...apart from the clouds.

Orion Nebula, Pleiades, Jupiter...

Get a copy of Turn Left at Orion, an excellent guide for new astonomers as well as more experienced ones. It will tell you what to expect to see and not confuse you with Hubble type images.

The Cambridge Astronomical Society also has excellent talks. For more general talks there are a number of astro groups around the area. It depends if you have transport.

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Hi Nick welcome to S G L

Start with the Moon, practice using your focuser, use the largest number eyepiece 25mm or

whatever came with your scope, take your time until you get focus, then try the lower number

10mm, you will have to re-focus, later on in the evening Jupiter will be up, you can't miss it,

it's to the east, and looks like a very bright star, this will blow your socks off, have fun, and

keep warm.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi Nick and welcome to SGL, you would be better asking your question in the "Getting started with observing" section than here in the Welcome section, as this rather limited to greetings, although you will find that even here, some of the members will be quite helpful :)

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Hi Nick and welcome to the forum. Along with others above I would certainly recommend "Turn Left at Orion" which contains a list of some 100 objects that are divided seasonally ensuring that there is something to view all year round. It has great information and importantly it has both written and visual guidance on how to find those objects too. You can take a look here to see the layout of this book.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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