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Another Christmas Newbie


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     Should be no surprise that there are so many new members this time of year. Like so many others I too got a telescope this Christmas and am happy to be starting my journey into the cosmos. My girlfriend was awesome enough to get me the Celestron 130EQ MD which seems like a good telescope to learn on.
     So far I have only made it outside one night due to my wonderfully cloudy weather but was amazed with my views of the moon.  The crispness of the craters was amazing to me.  Also, I managed to pan over to Orion and found the running man nebula without too much trouble.  I have not learned the magic of polar aligning yet (used it by pointing and praying the first night out) but I am eager to learn how to do things right so that I can make my observing repeatable and so that tracking actually works correctly.
     Anyway, I look forward to learning from you all.
Maryland, USA
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Hi and welcome to S G L

Hope you enjoy the forum, and more so, keep enjoying your scope.

You don't need to be perfectly polar aligned for observing, as long as

you are pointing North at Polaris you should be OK.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Thanks for all the welcomes. It's encouraging how willing everyone is to share what they know.

Dana, I used to be an Orioles fan as a kid (living in NY at the time) but have since given up on baseball.


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Hi and welcome to the forum. As you mention, there are quite a number of new people joining the forum at this time of year but of interest to you is the fact that many of them have the very same scope as yourself. If any of you experience any problems there certainly won't be a shortage of people to share your notes with.  :grin:

Wishing you clear skies for your new scope and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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     That mysterious world of astrophotography has a major draw to it but I am taking some sage advice and putting it out of my mind until I at least sort of know what I am doing (or at least convince myself that i know what I am doing).


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