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Light shroud foam

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Can anybody that has had foam from amazon uk to make a light shroud recommend a seller, an A2 sized piece will be big enough for my Heritage 130p,

as i intend to make the internal version like in the vid below, there are just so many to choose from its hard to know which will be suitable.

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This sort of stuff ??


Will say that the postage is likely more then the foam, I think mine (postage) was £4.20, so I bought 2 sheets for the hell of it.

Sheets came is fractionally different thicknesses, but either should do as a shroud.

I should bookmark the site as otherwise I have to go dig out a small advertising sheet.

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Looks just what i need but they don't ship off world ;-(

"PLEASE NOTE - This item is not available to be mailed outside of the UK or for Royal Mail Special Delivery in view of the size and or weight."

I will have a dig on amazon for something similar....

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I bought it for a dew shield, so that has to be yes.

The slightly thicker sheet is better but not sure if they will pick out one for you. I guess it is chance but you could ask.

Sorry didn't know about the not shipping outside mainland UK.

It is not exactly big or heavy, they roll it up so you get a roll that is about 20" long and very light.

I gave one away otherwise I would have sent you that.

Could try the Contact Us bit and ask based on the actual size and minimal weight.

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Looks like the ebay and Amazon sources are them as well, and I cannot locate anyone else selling the same.

Bit more:

The bit I have left has stickers on it saying www.efco.de

That site is not easy to find anything on but there "seems" to be a UK location at Redhill for them.

The phone number for that is 01737-245450

Trouble is all I can see is precut shapes - butterflies and things.

But the site is not easy to get round and half the pages say they are working on.

There is one titled efco stockists but that also say contact them - just wondering if there is a stockist in Ireland.

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