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Help I'm a Newbie


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Hi All,

Thank you for having me on your site.

My fiancée bought me a telescope for Christmas and I've really not got a clue what I'm doing. I've always been interested in astronomy but never had a telescope before.

The scope I have is a Celestron 60LCM computerised telescope and would like to view planets with it.

I'm looking for tips/advice on where to start any tools you recommend apps etc and if I should purchase any additional optics etc.

Many Thanks in Advance

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Welcome aboard , don't know that scope but generally you aim it roughly North and level , turn on and enter your location and time ... It will ask for a set up type ... For a quick viewing of Jupiter tonight select solar system align ... It should then drive to approx Jupiters direction , follow the handset promote and fine tune position .

If it has a finder then you need to align that with the sxope too ( probably best done in the day time but the moon is also doable)

Have a play and good luck

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Hi Happyhammer welcome to SGL as a first step i would download Stellarium its free to download from herehttp://www.stellarium.org/en_GB/  also if you have a android type mobile phone there is also google Skymaps this is free from google play.

A good book to start with is "Turn Left at Orion" I am sure more will be along with even more advice.

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Hi and welcome Happy 

First bit of advice is "when things don't go to plan ( and they won't at some point ) don't give up, keep trying and ask on here if you cant figure it out 

+1 for stellarium and also SkEye for android or Sky safari 

Also try and find a local astro club http://www.astronomyclubs.co.uk/ this page should find a club thats not too far from you


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