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was this mosiac worth it


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As I look at it today with less frazzled eyes I think it's ok. I do have a question for those that do these. What is the best way to fill in the missing sky, I clone stamped but didn't get a very even fill, sure there is an easy way but I don.t use photoshop much, learning fast though. This did take a few hours, there was over 25 gig of video to make this image, that's a lot of stacking time. ICE put it all together first time which I was very pleased about. Will probably have another go at it in photoshop. I can now fully appreciate the time that goes into mosiac and hats off to the folk that do large ones.   

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Yes it was. Nice image with no missing frames or untidy joins. 1000 frames per pane - always wondered at what point diminishing returns kicks in? I usually limit it to 500. I suppose the extra 30s or so for each pane capture could well be worth it, at least the extra stacking time can be done indoors! Have to give it a go.

(Also suffer the same PS newb agonies too...)

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 What is the best way to fill in the missing sky, I clone stamped but didn't get a very even fill, sure there is an easy way but I don.t use photoshop much, learning fast though. 

All I do is open levels, one of the little droppers says "set black point" if you hover over it, click on it then click in the sky and it all goes black, may need to undo and experiment, don't know if this will work on your image but worth a try as it's really quick.


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Thanks dave I'll try that be great if it's thst simple.

I think I'll bin more in pipp. I saved 800/1000 but if im using less than 200 is there any point keeping 800 to stack. It's just maling ais2 sort through frames that pipp has already done. It only takes 16 seconds to rack up 1000 frames at full resolution. A session can either be quick or just fill up the hard drive. I had 25 gig for this one image. Looks clear tonight.

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