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I've just joined so am newly out of the wrapper! I may be a bit previous as my telescope hasn't been delivered yet. I am getting, as a beginner, a Celestron NexStar 130 SLT. I have also ordered a x2 universal 1.25" Barlow. I am lucky enough to live in a location almost 100% light pollution free so, with good weather, I hope to enjoy many hours exploring the sky :laugh: I am also about to begin a 4 week online course via the Open University. This will use the Orion Nebula as its base to discuss stellar nurseries, exoplanets etc. The constellation is easily seen here so with the telescope I hope to see more detail.

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Hi Flake and welcome to the forum. Good luck with the course and your new scope will certainly offer good views of Orion's trapezium. I have to say I do envy your dark skies where you live and of course having access to dark skies is the single most effective way of improving the resolution of any scope, so you are very lucky - lovely part of the world.

Wishing you clear skies for the scope's delivery too! 

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Welcome Flake, and good luck with the new scope and course. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Orion and the nebula are firm favorites of many amateur astronomers, I'm sure you will enjoy studying them.

Best wishes and clear skies


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Hi Flake1,

Welcome to SGL and to the hobby!  I certainly envy your location. As for the 'scope, a friend of mine has the same one and is very pleased with the views he gets with it.  I am also about to embark on the Orion course and have also signed up for the Moons one that starts in February.  If you've not already done so,  download a program called "Stellarium" (you'll find it via google), it is free (and 'ad' free too) and is probably the most useful tool there is in astronomy after your own eyes!

Happy New Year and "clear skies"

Paul (The BSG)

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Welcome to the forum looking forwards to the orion course myself, they allso run a moons course which is very good. Not sure if you can search and add an old course to your couses section .

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