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Should I buy a WO ZenithStar 71

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Should I buy a WO ZenithStar 71? :D

I have recently had a minor windfall. Yes, I've read the reviews etc.

I am looking for a sub-500mm (reasonably corrected) FAST 'Frac

for small-chip VIDEO (chunky 8.5 micron pixels) Astronomy...  ;)

Above all, the scope should be lightweight to piggyback my other

scopes (F4 PhotoNewt, MAK150) and not overchallenge an HEQ5.

I am entirely NEW to the world of ED doublets. On the whole, the

(slightly larger, heavier!) Skywatchers tend to get better reviews? 

But I will not need *pinpoint* stars to the edge of field at 35mm etc.

The WO colours are a tad "creative" for the more conservative. :p

But I sense I will not be making a BIG mistake here... The scope

seems to be about average (even better) than the competition? :)

Aside: I sense, for Video Astronomers, "speed" (f/6 | faster) is KING

Aperture Fever may not be the solution to all our problems? lol  

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This is just my opinion but speaking my mind i feel the quality on these scopes vary, get a good one and your laughing, get a bad one and its going back, might also be worth looking at the 70mm scopes on TS website, but like i say if its a good un then game on

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Well, I do like my '71 but I have to say if it was a choice of just one out of my doublets I'd take my 80ED. It's better corrected. Although some (not mine) have had sloppy focusers.

When it comes to QC, from my experience WO were slightly ahead. However, in my book the optics are the thing. Focusers etc. can be adjusted or replaced.

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I tried the Zenithstar and compared it to a Kunming United Optics 80mm ED.

The Zenithstar has a lot of false colour and the focuser caused image shift. It is also excessively heavy for such a small telescope.

The Zenithstar had one advantage over the Kunming ED80: It has a shorter tube.

In all other aspects the ED80 was better: hardly any false colour, a lighter tube and a much better focuser.

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Sorry to be a killjoy but save a bit more and go for a triplet. Far too much purple fringing to images,

will in time become an annoyance in time.


No killjoy. Thanks for the contributions thus far! All thoughts are appreciated!

I honestly don't know if the "blue bloat" would effect my VIDEO chip images.

Perhaps indeed, I should finally "spoil myself" with a genuine triplet...

I am aware of the (rather cool) TS (circa 70mm) offerings. If I were after a simple

solution, I might go for an Skywatcher Equinox 80mm or general "ED thingammy".

We'll see, we'll see. I much appreciate these genuine and useful thoughts! :)

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No killjoy. Thanks for the contributions thus far! All thoughts are appreciated!

I honestly don't know if the "blue bloat" would effect my VIDEO chip images.

Perhaps indeed, I should finally "spoil myself" with a genuine triplet...

I am aware of the (rather cool) TS (circa 70mm) offerings. If I were after a simple

solution, I might go for an Skywatcher Equinox 80mm or general "ED thingammy".

We'll see, we'll see. I much appreciate these genuine and useful thoughts! :)

Hi Again,

I hope I am correct in thinking that you mean Telescope Services by the TS abbreviation. I bought an 80mm finderscope from them and absolutely hate the fringing, I cannot blame them in any way as it was my own fault. It's a doublet lens! I believe that others love their ware. They are really good to buy from, but maybe it's just me I HATE colour fringing. If it is meant to be there fair enough but otherwise NO!

Always best to look through an optic of any sort first. Too expensive any other way. Not everyone will see the same thing, some wear rose tinted glasses :p .

Best of luck,


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