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Celstron Nexstar 4SE - Stuck on "Transmit Data..."

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I would be very grateful if anyone could advise me on resolving a problem with my Nextsar 4SE.

When I turned it on for the first time in a few months the handset is displaying the message "Transmit data..." and it won't allow me to change this no matter what buttons I press or whether I hold buttons down when I boot it up it just remains the same. I have tried both mains and batteries to power it up with no change. I've also tried to connect it to my laptop and see if its trying to talk to my Stellarium software but still no luck.

Any tips on how I may be able to unlock it from this state would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards



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From the Celestron website

"It appears that your hand control is stuck in programming mode. 

Fortunately, it is an easy fix:

1. Cycle the power of your scope. This will often clear the condition.

2. If you have an RS-232 cable (the cable that attaches between your computer's serial port and the port on the bottom of the hand control) you will be able to download the HCupdate program that will allow you to reprogram the hand control. This is available for free download off of our web site, celestron.com/downloads

Complete instructions on how to do the reflashing are elsewhere in the Knowledgebase, “How to Flash Update your Hand Control and Motor Control Firmware“.

If you are unable to program the hand control or this problem continues after attempting to program it, your hand control needs to be replaced.

Updated 12/25/13"



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As newcomers to this hobby, Wendy and I who are now getting on in life, have stayed well clear of technology, when it comes to telescopes. Just a simple hand controlled job suits us fine, but I wish you luck with your problem and I'm sure someone on here will get you going again.

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Thanks everyone for your advice, its very much appreciated. Unfortunately I am using a Mac and will have to borrow a Windows laptop to sort this as the files I need to download are only PC compatible.

Thanks, Nick

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Thanks everyone for your advice, its very much appreciated. Unfortunately I am using a Mac and will have to borrow a Windows laptop to sort this as the files I need to download are only PC compatible.

Thanks, Nick

Hah! That'll learn ya!

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Might be worth trying your Mac. I had a problem with my 6se earlier in the year which needed a re flash which it appears yours does too. However I found;

My windows desktop will not run the firmware program;

My windows laptop will not run the firmware program;

My Dad very recently bought a new laptop (windows 8) and that does not run the firmware program either;

However, my Mac book runs the software but I cannot get it to recognise that I have the telescope mount attached to it!!!!!

I think there is a known issue that using the rs232 to usb connector is dodgy.

I ended up returning it to the shop I got it from and they very kindly did it for me free of charge. They did make a comment that they use an old version of windows and I wonder if there's a problem with the newer version ???

You'll need to make sure whether your mount needs the hand control update or the 'Celestron Firmware Manager' - I think it depends on how old the mount is.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on, but good luck, when these things happen, it is frustrating.

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From the Celestron website

"It appears that your hand control is stuck in programming mode. 

Fortunately, it is an easy fix:

1. Cycle the power of your scope. This will often clear the condition.

2. If you have an RS-232 cable (the cable that attaches between your computer's serial port and the port on the bottom of the hand control) you will be able to download the HCupdate program that will allow you to reprogram the hand control. This is available for free download off of our web site, celestron.com/downloads

Complete instructions on how to do the reflashing are elsewhere in the Knowledgebase, “How to Flash Update your Hand Control and Motor Control Firmware“.

If you are unable to program the hand control or this problem continues after attempting to program it, your hand control needs to be replaced.

Updated 12/25/13"



Point 1) "cycle the power on your scope" translates as pull the batteries out for 20 minutes. This works for most high tech toys, or do as NASA once advised an astronaut to fix the Hasselblad by "assist with lunar boot".

Point 2) the RS-232 cable is not an RS-232 connector it is an olde and most ancient RJ12 telcon as once used for wind-up modem connection, the ones that went, "biddle-iddle-iddle-diddle-dong-bong-blart!"

We need a RJ12 to RS232 and then serial to USB cables, but we need special Celestron 4-wire flavour plus software to drive that USB to serial link (should come with cable).

There is a WiFi USB dongle thingy for NexStar that may do it to iOS etc (I'm a bit dubious on that)

In terms of firmware and connectivity the Celestron/Nexstar is pretty old hat. Having got a nice new Windoze 8.1 Pro laptop, I may have to dig out the elderly Win98 Dell Inspiron with the dead battery to connect to the telescope.

OTOH small M$Windoze laptops are pretty cheap these days, but they don't have RS-232 serial ports now.

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- and I cannot edit yet: it is not a "WiFi USB dongle" it is a "WiFi dongle", i.e. the "Celestron SkyQ Link Adapter" (sic) that goes into the telescope RJ12 socket.

Apparently it lets you align your telescope to your iPhone or iPad (and there's me thinking I should use the stars ;-)

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  • 1 year later...

Update - I seem to be one of the lucky ones.  I left the power off for 20mins (I suspect the problem was because an old set of batts were in the base, and it was left on...).  I then reflashed the handset firmware, and all is good.


Phew!  I feel guilty enough leaving the red dot finder on, leaving the mount on is really bad news.

All the more reason to upgrade to an observatory...

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