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Hello everyone!

My name is Rafael and I live in Palmdale, CA, USA.

I've been around astronomy in general for quite some time. First scope I owned was given to me as a Xmas gift back in 2003 which was a Meade ET90 Maks. Being fairly new to the field but with school knowledge I managed to get some pretty good use of it. Still remembering seeing Saturn for the first time and thought it was fake..

Eventually I ended up selling it and got myself a Meade LS6 which was a great scope as well. I got the video package also that when I used the goto system to find an object it would talk about it. It was also a lot larger than the old Maks I had!

Somewhere along the way I found interest in astrophotography but also found that the altazimuth mount wasn't going to do it for me if I really wanted to get into it.

I ended up selling the Meade and now I own a Celestron EdgeHD 8" with the Advanced VX Mount.

I got myself a Canon T5i/700D for my picture needs since I'm not ready for CCD yet (even though I read a lot on it already) and also own an Orion ShortTube 80 with the Orion SSAG for guiding (thinking of going Off Axis Guider depending if it will work with the .7x Focal Reducer..)

I've owned most of the parts to my setup for a couple of months now since August but with work and classes taking a majority of my time I was knot able to take my scope out twice with no imaging done yet. Finally starting in 2015 I'll have more time to play with it and I hope I can get some nice pictures with my setup.

See you guys around!

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