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Old eyepieces

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Stupid question alert - I am GREEN, I admit it.  I have a chance to buy a used Televue ep that is 2-3 years old.  It has never been used, ever.  Is there any kind of degradation that naturally occurs that might affect viewing quality?  Is there a shelf life for eps?

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Shelf life, No, If you can list what they are we can let you know what the going rate for these are, I have some  much older than that and they are all excellent.


8mm ethos - haven't agreed on price yet.  Probably around $375 - $400

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My 8mm Ethos is around that old. It's still in perfect condition :smiley:

I've used eyepieces that must have been 20+ years old and they still worked very well.

I figured so, but no harm in pestering the pros for reassurance.  Thanks

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