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Hello, from Montreal, Canada!


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Hi everyone!!!

My name is Roderick, Venezuelan but living in Canada since 2011. I was in an university astronomy club, and I had the wonderful opportunity to see Saturn, Jupiter in a Meade LX200, as other deep space objects through a home made Newtonian 8in dobsonian mount. After finishing university... I haven't had time to see the skies but always knew that when projects makes me arrive to accomplishments, a home with a telescope in my backyard will wait for me. Now, in a new country, step by step I'm walking in that direction. And giving my first steps in that direction, I wondered what to buy: a small telescope or a binocular. Reading, searching for information and ideas, many,included this forum pointed to me into the direction of a 10x50 binocular, a monopod, and a ball head. The Bushnell Legacy 10x50 won my decision yesterday....and I'm pretty happy of how it looks. Before reading you guys, I was thinking in Celestron 15x70....but mainly by your shared info, details, books that I read..I happyly bought my Bushnell legacy 10x50. I hope to begin looking the skies again soon, when the weather let me, to see some ebautifull winter targets, beginning with Kemble's cascade.

The monopod and the ball head will arrive soon, I have my camping chair... So

.I'm pretty anxious to begin to see once again our place in the cosmos.

Thank you guys for your help, I joined because was a natural follow up after seeing so much enthusiasm and wonderful information, and of course, count with me if u need anything I can help :)

Clear skies!!!

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Hi Roderick ! Welcome to the Forum

As a montraeler (montrealian ? montrealese ?) myself I am glad to find a fellow montreal-guy here... Lots of 'Brits' here ;)

I've been living in France for the past 12 yrs now.. So I'll be following your post to see how is the Canadian skies for astronomy. I never had the chance to bring my scope to montreal :/

Clear skies!

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Hi Roderick ! Welcome to the Forum

As a montraeler (montrealian ? montrealese ?) myself I am glad to find a fellow montreal-guy here... Lots of 'Brits' here ;)

I've been living in France for the past 12 yrs now.. So I'll be following your post to see how is the Canadian skies for astronomy. I never had the chance to bring my scope to montreal :/

Clear skies!

Thanks Vox!!! And you are a Lasallois aussi, selon tes coordonés de naissance!

I'm going to try my best to describe the local conditions at LaSalle....Yesterday and today, I just made observations from the back balcony of my apartment. I found a good spot, 10 min from home at Parc des Rapids..but having temperatures of -15.....it is really an exercise of loving the art......I'll try to make my first observation from that spot in the following days

Hope to see you soon visiting your home town! :D

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Thanks Vox!!! And you are a Lasallois aussi, selon tes coordonés de naissance!

I'm going to try my best to describe the local conditions at LaSalle....Yesterday and today, I just made observations from the back balcony of my apartment. I found a good spot, 10 min from home at Parc des Rapids..but having temperatures of -15.....it is really an exercise of loving the art......I'll try to make my first observation from that spot in the following days

Hope to see you soon visiting your home town! :D

I lost a bit of my Canadian-fat that protected me against the cold since I moved to sweet France :/ because of a mere -1C I did not bother to get out even if the sky was crystal clear sunday night ... I know from experience what -15C feels like so kudos to you !

If you ever want to visit Paris, we could setup in the future an appartement exchange ... LaSalle <> Paris ;)

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