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From the expected weather you will also want warm clothing and good footwear.

It is forecast to be clear but also cold.

In case needed:

Targets: Jupiter, Pleiades, Orion Nebula, between Orion and Pleiades is a red star Aldebaren with a cluster behind the Hyades cluster. The middle star in the handle of the plough is a double (easy to split).

Bt the time you have done them you will likely have hypothermia if the forecast is right.

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Hi Chelwalton and welcome to SGL, I am afraid in most cases, new scopes bring with them their package of cloud, have a little patience and you will be rewarded by the glittering jewels in the night sky. But as Ronin has pointed out, warm cloths and foot wear are a must, no white light torch lights either, or you will destroy your dark vision. Cover the torch front with clear Red cellophane sweet paper, readily available at this time of year. Enjoy, as I am sure you will :icon_santa:

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Seasonal Greetings Chelwalton - Welcome to the wonderful world (or is that universe?) of astronomy!  Welcome to SGL too - the best place to be for finding answers to your questions.  Warm clothes, red torch, lots of patience, maybe flask of something hot if you've gone out into the countryside away from the light pollution.  If you want to have a look and see what's there when the clouds stop you seeing ..  download "Stellarium" (it's free and the best software for the job).

Above all, have fun!

Paul / The BSG

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