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Hello From BillPickle in Scotland


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Hello everyone.

I got a beginners telescope a month ago and after many internet searches i always seemed to end up here and have found some of the conversations very helpful.

I am a complete novice with regards to astronomy and telescopes but have been reading an awful lot after buying what ive found out to be a basic beginners 114mm celestron powerseeker reflector for not a lot and also a plossl eye piece kit 2 weeks later which cost more than the telescope but has really sharpened things up.

Despite the limited capabilities of my telescope I've found it has definitely got me interested in the whole subject and that the lens kit has definitely helped improve the experience a lot.

since buying the telescope I've also managed to borrow my brothers DSLR camera and got my self a t adapter and await a break in the clouds to get any real results.

I have managed only to get a short video of Jupiter and used registax v5 for a slightly blurry image that im chuffed with.

So far all ive managed to have a proper look at is Jupiter, the moon and a very faint Orion nebula which i also hope to try stacking up soon once i get to grips with the camera.

Any tips of whats good view for a beginner would be greatly appreciated.





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Nice first images and welcome to SGL.

I would recommend three books for those cloudy nights

Turn Left at Orion for objects to locate and look at

Make Every Photn Count as the primer on astro-photgraphy

Amateurs Guide to Observing and Imaging the Heavens for great info on both visual and imaging, as well as great sections on the technical side of telescopes, ep's , cleaning, aligning etc etc.

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Hi Bill and welcome to SGL, I would also recommend you obtain a copy of TL@O already mentioned, which is written with the small scope user in mind Your first images are indeed very good, with which you should be rightly pleased. A search of the imaging sections, with any problems or just advice, should be of benefit to you, enjoy :ican_santa:

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