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Hello everyone

Firstly my name is Rob, i am 29, soon to be 30 tomorrow 26th Dec 2014!

I have never been on a forum before and today i received a telescope for christmas. after many many years i have finally got my first telescope.

I have the Celestron PS76/700 Reflector

Thank you to my girlfriend.

I have always had a facination with the stars and to add i am a keen photographer.

I was wondering if anyone could advise me on how to attache my camer to this telescop if at all possible.

I have the sony nex-c3

Any other helpful tips and advice would be welcomed :-)

Merry Christmas to you all.

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Hi Rob, Welcome to this fascinating Pastime. :)

Firstly, I'd get a copy of a good astronomy Guide, something like, ' Turn Left at Orion ' or 'The Backyard Astronomers guide' books like these are invaluable when your starting out.

There are also some great free software, you can get to show you what's in the sky at night. http://www.skymaps.com Is something that you can print off, and is very handy.

There's also some software called 'Stellarium '. http://www.stellarium.org/en_GB/

That's great if you have a tablet or phone with you, whilst observing.

The other recommendation is find your nearest. Astro society, and go along, and see what other people have, it's a perfect opportunity to ask questions. :)http://www.firstlightoptics.com/locator.html

Also have a good read at some of the beginners threads on here, they are very helpful,and may well give you some answers.

A must read is this. Please don't expect to see things , as you would on TV or in magazines. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/196278-what-can-i-expect-to-see/

But for now your main objective is. ENJOY YOUR STARGAZING. ;)

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Hi Rob and welcome to the forum. Great advice above which should help you get up and running. Don't be shy in asking further questions in the appropriate sections as you will never be short of a response and is the method by which we have all progressed.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Rob and welcome to SGL - Great advice and there's little more I could add. All I will say is that astro photography is rather different to the usual stuff ................. Boy have we all learnt that the hard way :D :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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