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Megrez mount


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Ok, i have been um-ing and ah-ing for ages on getting a light travel mount for when i go off camping etc.

I have got a skymax 127 but would probably only take my Megrez 72 and it is for the Megrez that i would like assistance.

I have an eq3 at present and, yes, that is quite a light mount but with camping gear and the like there is a premium on space. i was thinking about a simple alt az mount but some of them cost more than getting a supatrak or something like that. I have considered in particular the following options and wondered whether anyone has experience of them:-

AZ3 - i seem to recall some saying these weren't as smooth as they might be

Vixen Porta - would look nice as white with the Megrez but still wondering whether i could get away with smaller.

Az-Tech Alt az on wooden tripod scopesnskies at £79 - would wooden tripod equal smaller vibration damping times

Astro-Tech Voyager - bit pricey but looked nice, anyone used one of these.

Horizon tripod or a giotto photo tripod with fluid head at


the giotto seems a good price and will hold up to twice my scope weight and has a fluid head.

It would be handy as i will mainly use when camping to have the legs of the tripod freely splayable so that i can sit low in a camping chair (like astropetheans old avatar) but i anticipate everyone will say i am going to lose stability by not having a central brace or accessory tray.

i have been thinking about this for ages but would appreciate any views on the above items or any others i may have not considered. ideally i would like to hover around the £100 mark as if i go too high then i may later think that i should use the eq3 and have spent the money on a bigger mount for the back garden.

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I've used an AZ-3 for ages with a variety of refractors including a Megrez 90, ED80's and currently my Vixen ED102SS which is an F/6.5 refractor. I find the AZ-3 does very well and it's motions are pretty smooth. The slow motion controls do need to be reset after a while when they run out of travel but this only takes a minute. I've tracked objects at 200x on many occasions with mine.

There is a Celeston one on Astro BUY & Sell at the moment for £45 which seems a good deal to me :afro:


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We have 4 Horizon tripods - two for giant binos, two for PSTs. You might realise we are very happy with Horizons for small scopes and wide views.

The Horizon is very stable, light and can be wound up to nearly 6 feet - so its comfy to use without having to bend into funny positions. The adjustment is very easy and you can set the legs then use the winder to move the top up and down 18".

Firstlight sell the Horizon so you save the odd pound by being in SGL.

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It's all about the Vixen Porta. I have, as you know the Megrez 72, and have just picked up a second hand Megrex 90 and the Vixen Porta easily takes the 90 as well.

Have a look at my review + pictures of the 72 + Porta together. http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,22787.0.html

They look the business. Recently took the setup to Edinburgh, you can assemble the scope and mount etc then carry the whole lot outside.

Just my two pennies worth....

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